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7 reasons why most bloggers fail, but can succeed!
Did you know that 80% of blogs fail! But don’t let that statistic scare you away from starting your own blog.
You have no audience.
A blog without readers is like a tree falling in the forest--it's just not going to get very far. If you want to make money from your blog, or even just get traffic and recognition for your work, building an audience is essential. You need people who will read what you write and engage with it in some way (comments are great). Your goal should be to get as many of these people as possible before trying anything else!
Here are some ways that bloggers build their audiences:
Get featured on other blogs/platforms (like ours!) through guest posts. which will bring in new readers who don't know about your blog yet, and improve SEO (search engine optimization) by providing backlinks to your site.
Share good content on social media channels like Facebook and Twitter so more people can find out about it.
No passion about their subject.
Passion is a prerequisite for success in any endeavor. You can't be passionate about something you don't like, and you certainly won't succeed if your passion isn't evident in your writing.
If you're going to start a blog, make sure that it's about something that truly excites and inspires you--and that means more than just being interested in the subject matter (although that helps). You need an emotional connection with what the blog is about so that readers get excited when they read it too!
They don't know what type of content to write.
When you're writing, it's important to know your audience. You don't want to write about everything or nothing--you need to find a balance between the two. You also want to make sure that the content you publish is relevant and useful for your readers.
The best way to do this? Know what they want to read! If they love reading about travel, then try writing some tips on where they can go on vacation or how they could save money by traveling more often (or less). If they are interested in fitness or health topics, then write about how certain foods affect our bodies and what kind of workouts are best for different body types/goals/lifestyles (etc.).
Their blogs aren't optimized for search engines.
First, you need to make sure your blog is optimized for search engines. This means using keywords that people are actually searching for in your title and URL, as well as in the body of your posts. You should also include these keywords in any meta descriptions (the bits of text that appear beneath each post title when someone searches for them).
In addition to optimizing your content with relevant keywords, make sure that they're included in all social media profiles associated with the blog. Also be sure to use tags and categories (which help readers discover new content) on a regular basis so people can find what they want easier than ever before!
-Write about topics that you're passionate about
-Write blog posts that are useful to your readers (and not just yourself)
-Make sure your blog's design is appealing to the eye and easy to navigate
They don't understand the importance of content planning and editing.
Content planning and editing is one of the most important parts of creating a successful blog. When you're writing your first post, it's easy to get excited about everything you want to share with your readers--but this can lead to a lot of unnecessary words!
Planning out what you want to say before actually writing it will help make sure that each blog post has its own unique purpose and voice (which we'll talk more about later).
Editing is also crucial because even though we all know how important grammar, spelling and punctuation are when it comes to professional communication in general--it's especially true when it comes making your readers feel like they're talking directly with YOU (and not some robot).
They don't have a consistent publishing schedule, or they publish too little or too much.
You should be publishing new content at least once a week. If you can't keep up with that schedule, then try at least three times per month. If you want to publish more frequently than that and are able to do so consistently, then go for it! But if not, make sure your readers know what they're getting in for when they subscribe or follow along with your blog's social media accounts--and don't be afraid of saying no if someone requests an article from you outside of those parameters (or even just politely decline).
That being said: consistency is key when it comes to blogging success! You need enough time between posts so that people remember who you are when they see another one pop up on their feed again; otherwise all those hours spent working on content might as well have been wasted because no one will ever read anything past the first post anyway. It also helps keep readers engaged because there's always something new coming out every week (or whatever frequency works best), which keeps them coming back again and again instead of moving onto another website altogether where they might find similar information but not necessarily better quality or value-added experiences like recommendations on where else around town worth checking out next time visiting Seattle area attractions during summertime months when seasonal events might include festivals such...
The blogger is focused on traffic rather than the quality of visitors' experience.
If you're focusing on more traffic, then you're going to have a hard time. You can't create great content if your focus is on getting traffic.
The best way to succeed as a blogger is by creating a positive experience for your readers. If they enjoy reading what you write, they'll come back again and again!
If you're thinking about starting a blog, here's how to do it right!
Be passionate about your subject. If you don't love what you're writing about, the rest of these tips won't matter much! The best blogs are written by people who have a genuine interest in their topic and want others to learn from them.
Know what type of content to write. It may seem obvious but it's important: before deciding whether or not blogging is for you (and investing time and effort into building an audience), figure out what kind(s) of posts will attract readers who share similar interests as well as provide value for them on an ongoing basis (i.e., consistently). For example: if someone searches "what should I eat for breakfast?" then maybe writing about healthy breakfasts would be helpful; however if someone searches "how do I cook bacon" then maybe offering recipes would be better suited because those two topics aren't related at all!
So, if you're thinking about starting a blog, here's what we recommend. First of all, make sure that it's something you really want to do. If it isn't, then don't start one! Second, take some time to think about who your audience might be and how they would like to receive information from you (e.g., in text vs. video format). Then go out there and find them--whether by advertising on social media or doing research for topics related to your blog topic(s). Once those basics are covered (and they should be), then start writing posts! You'll need at least one post per week if not more depending on how much time each one takes; just remember that quality over quantity when deciding how often each piece should be published."
7 reasons why most bloggers fail but you can succeed!
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